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If you’ve been injured in an accident, it’s important to know what to expect on your path to recovery. After your medical needs are taken care of, your next step should be to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who can guide you through the process of seeking compensation for your injuries. 

But how do you vet an injury attorney to find the best one? A lawyer can help you get started on the selection process by outlining a few basic considerations here.

Honesty is Vital for an Injury Attorney

While it’s tempting to seek out an attorney who promises they will win your case, it’s important to remember that no one can know exactly how things will turn out until after the trial has been completed. To say otherwise is dishonest.

While some lawyers may promise success, any injury attorney from our firm will tell you truthfully what your chances of winning are based on the facts of your case and other factors like the following:

A lawyer should have confidence in their ability to handle your personal injury case well without promising guaranteed results. Honesty is a key part of your relationship with your lawyer, so ensuring you can speak more easily about the case with your lawyer is essential. 

Steps to Vetting an Injury Attorney

Honesty isn’t the only key trait to look for when vetting an injury lawyer for your case. You need to know they have the experience, knowledge, and resources to make your claim a success and help you get compensated

When seeking out a lawyer for a personal injury claim, talk to a lawyer about these aspects of your case: 

  • Type of Injury Cases They Handle – Choose a lawyer who has experience in the field of law relevant to your case. For example, if you’re hurt in a car accident with a commercial vehicle, seek out an injury attorney with that type of claim.
  • Check on Their Reputation – Find out if the lawyer has any complaints filed against them or if they have won any award or recognition in the past few years. A lawyer with high ratings shows a strong track record of success. 
  • Seek an Attorney Who Can Handle Difficult Cases – A personal injury claim can be complex quickly. For example, if you’re forced to sue a large retail chain after a slip-and-fall in a store, be sure to get a lawyer who has experience taking on large corporations.

Discuss Your Case with an Injury Lawyer 

When you seek out a lawyer from The Estes Law Firm on a contingency basis, your injury attorney will handle all the legal aspects for you in exchange for a percentage of any money that comes out of your case. We clearly inform you of that amount before we even begin work. 

To receive an honest opinion about your case and how your lawyer can help your claim succeed, call 281-238-5400 or complete our online form for your free consultation.

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