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Millions of people drive every day, whether they’re going to work, visiting friends, or just shopping. Despite how common driving is for commuting and other travel, we have still been unable to eliminate car accidents. 

If you are one of the millions of Americans who have suffered a car accident, know that there are resources available to you to help you process your experience. If you’re worried about getting proof for your claim, reach out to a lawyer about evidence to collect after a car accident. 

Medical Receipts

It is vital to receive medical attention as soon as possible after you’ve been in a car accident. This is not only for your health and safety but also for your case.

Documenting any injuries you may have sustained during the accident in an official setting is excellent evidence for your case. If you seek medical help promptly, there is no chance for anyone to argue that your injuries may have come from a different incident.

Even if you don’t feel hurt, it is still important to see a doctor as soon as you can. In traumatic events, like a car accident, you may be in shock or your injuries may not be obvious at the time. You may feel perfectly fine. 

Unfortunately, you may have suffered a delayed injury. These injuries may not be obvious until weeks or months later. Worse, some injuries, like internal bleeding, may be hard to spot until severe damage or death has happened. 

Photos of the Accident Scene

Take photos of everything you possibly can. These photos can be vital evidence after an accident. 

If you are in a state to take photos at the scene of the accident while you await medical assistance or the authorities to arrive, do so. If you have to choose what to prioritize, take photos of the other vehicle and the scene. Only do so if you are physically able to.

Getting visual evidence of what the scene looked like at the time can help support your version of events. Other evidence may or be repaired over time, so be sure you have a record of the damage. 

Witness Contact Information

If anyone was around to witness your accident, it would be wise to get their contact information. For passengers during the incident, you likely already have their data or have access to this person, but be sure to reach out to anyone else who saw the accident. The police can also act as witnesses, and their report on the accident can be useful of your claim. 

Eyewitness testimony can be a key part of your evidence following a car accident. If another person’s version of events matches your own, it can help you get the answers you need and take action. 

In a similar vein, if there were any folks on the sidewalk to witness your accident and they stick around long enough, it never hurts to ask them for their information. Any information can help your claim. 

Finding Reliable Legal Representation After Your Accident

When you’re hurt in a car accident, you need evidence to support your claim. Unfortunately, that can be difficult when you’re hurt, suffering, and juggling your recovery. At The Estes Law Firm, we’re prepared to help you get the evidence you need for a successful claim. 

Ready for your free consultation? Call 281-238-5400 or complete the following online contact form to get the answers you’re due. 

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